Derbyshire Lodge of Installed Masters

Last night saw Derbyshire Lodge of Installed Masters, host the 2022 Prestonian Lecture.

This years Lecture is entitled “The Royal Family and Freemasonry” by W. Bro. Dr. J. W. Hawkins PJGD.

The lecture travels through the years of Freemasonry, building links between the members of the Royal Family and the Craft in particular. It’s well worth a listen, if you’re able to go and hear this.

The Lodge has two Prestonian Lecturers, already members so Worshipful Brother Hawkins was in good hands!

Worshipful Brother Tony Harvey, Worshipful Brother John Hawkins and Worshipful Brother John Wade – all Prestonian Lecturers.
A selection of members from Derbyshire Lodge of Installed Masters.

Cornucopia Pass Hartington Brother

On Tuesday night 9 brethren from Hartington Lodge 1085 attended an emergency meeting of Cornucopia Lodge No 9925. To witness the dedication of the new provincial banner. An event that has not happened since 2002 we believe.

The Provincial team supporting the PGM looked splendid in their regalia as they processed in.

The PGM gave an explanation of the banner, how it came about and it’s symbolism after which the provincial Chaplin gave a reading and prayer.

After the dedication, cornucopia lodge then proceeded to pass our very own Bro. Dane Mullis on behalf of Hartington Lodge. The ceremony was very good and his answers to the necessary questions were exemplary, including an additional question given to him by another W.Bro when asked by the WM if anybody else had one to give!

The following festive board was busy and lively and a good time had by all.

Cornucopia and Hartington Lodge members

Hartington members swap their Aprons, for their tweed.

The other weekend, four of Hartington Lodges members, travelled North (and in one case south), to attend a simulated game day at Harboro Rocks Clay Shooting Ground.

The Hartington four

The day started with a cuppa, full English, safety briefing and drawing of pegs.


This was followed by some great shooting in the morning and then we had elevenses, which consisted of sausage rolls, sloe gin and gin and tonics!

One of Stewards in
Our Junior Warden AKA “Tommy Shelby”
Puss in Boots takes aim
Our Tyler and his Sloe Gin!
Our Junior Warden, seeing how it should be done!
Dinner is served

After dinner we had yet more shooting and a couple more fantastic drives!

Our Tyler during the action!
One of our Stewards in full swing!
Our Junior Warden in action.
Puss in Boots!

All-in-all, we had a great day and we will all be making a return visit.

Thanks Harboro Rocks, for your hospitality and your shooting.