Wednesday 3rd April was a great night for Derbyshire Freemasonry in general, but Hartington Lodge in particular.
The evening started off with a successful ballot, for a new Initiate. His Proposer and Seconder can be seen below. He will be Initiated into Hartington Lodge on Wednesday 1st May, if anyone’s interested?
Next we welcomed our newest joining member Brother Adam, from Duchess of Portland Lodge in our neighbouring Province of Nottinghamshire. He can be seen below with his Proposer and our Worshipful Master.
The evening concluded with the Raising of Brother Ian Johnson, carried out in an exemplary manner, by our Worshipful Master and a delegation of Past Masters. He can be seen below being congratulated by the Worshipful Master.
The final part of the evening was a tasty Festive Board, where we had pie. Our Worshipful Master likes his pie!
A great night for Derbyshire a Freemasonry in general.