On Saturday, Peter Walklate, our Universities Scheme Representative attended the Universities Scheme Conference at Christleton (Cheshire View).
It was a very informative and enjoyable day with approximately 180 Masons present, all with a common interest – the Universities Scheme.
There were a number of Grand Lodge Officers, including David Kenneth Williamson, Sir David Hugh Wootton, Julian Soper, Andy Green, all of whom have a lot to do with the Universities Scheme and Freemasonry in general.
Our IPM had an in-depth conversation with David Roberts-Jones, the Assistant Grand Chancellor, who was keen to hear how Hartington Lodge No 1085, was getting on with the scheme. He seemed to think we were doing a good job and seemed impressed with how we were recruiting and getting along.
He also had the opportunity to speak with David Thomas, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Staffordshire and Nick Thomas the East Midlands Regional Co-ordinator for the scheme.
There were numerous different seminars throughout the day, and it was difficult trying to decide which ones to attend. All the seminars that were attended, were very well received and very thought provoking.
Both of the Ladies Freemasonry Organisations were also represented this year. The Order of Women Freemasons and The Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons. The reason being, they too have a lot to do with the Universities Scheme and often attend with the male organisations at the Freshers Fairs.
The Province of Cheshire should be very proud of their venue and all attendees were looked after extremely well.
It was a thoroughly enjoyable day and very interesting.