The other weekend, four of Hartington Lodges members, travelled North (and in one case south), to attend a simulated game day at Harboro Rocks Clay Shooting Ground.
The Hartington four
The day started with a cuppa, full English, safety briefing and drawing of pegs.
This was followed by some great shooting in the morning and then we had elevenses, which consisted of sausage rolls, sloe gin and gin and tonics!
One of Stewards in Our Junior Warden AKA “Tommy Shelby”Puss in Boots takes aimOur Tyler and his Sloe Gin!Our Junior Warden, seeing how it should be done!Dinner is served
After dinner we had yet more shooting and a couple more fantastic drives!
Our Tyler during the action!One of our Stewards in full swing!Our Junior Warden in action.Puss in Boots!
All-in-all, we had a great day and we will all be making a return visit.
Thanks Harboro Rocks, for your hospitality and your shooting.
And no we’re not talking about football! Although the football was on the cards when we met at The Grange Banqueting Suite for our July meeting.
It started off in the Lodge room, where we Passed Brother David Johnston to the degree of a Fellowcraft.
The ceremony was carried out in exemplary fashion adhering to the new Covid workings at all times.
Two more candidates were Proposed for Initiation and two more balloted for Initiation.
We then finished the evening in the bar, where out tables had been set for dinner, so we were able to watch the game! We were also accompanied by some of our candidates who are waiting to be Initiated and balloted.
Our Tyler, flying the flag for Hartington Lodge, at Derbyshire Lodge of Installed Masters.
Having not been inside a Lodge room for a meeting, for about fifteen months, it made a refreshing change.
He did feel like the odd one out, being greeted by a sea of Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge Officers! At least, that was until, our three newly admitted members entered. One of which was wearing light blue, a Past Master hailing from Old Denstonian Lodge in our neighbouring Province of Staffordshire. Another joining member, was Staffordshire’s Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Very Worshipful Brother David Thomas.
We were treated to a tasty meal in The Grange Banqueting Suite afterwards and some great company.
It was a great evening for Derbyshire Freemasonry, but Derbyshire Lodge of Installed Masters in particular.
Wednesday 2nd June saw Hartington Lodge, meet and conduct its first ceremony in a long time!
A Passing was carried out for Brother Marc Anthony. This was due to be a double, but due to unfortunate circumstances, we were only able to carry out a single on this occasion.
The Officers all did really well, a lot of them stepping into Offices that they’re not usually in.
Following the ceremony we had a meal, where yet again a number of future candidates were able to join us.
It was another great night for Derbyshire Freemasons, but Hartington Lodge in particular.
Brother Marc, accompanied by The Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens.
Last Saturday, Cumberland Lodge headed North, from their home town of Luton, to come and sample some of Derbyshire and Staffordshire’s finest. That’s hills not people!
The idea was spear-headed by Bill Henderson, who organised the weekend and itinerary and is also our University Scheme representative for RG6
The two Lodges met at Ilam Hall, where we went on a little ramble, around the two counties. We took in Wetton, Thor’s Cave, the Manifold Valley and Beeston Tor.
We finished back at Ilam Youth Hostel for a sociable drink in the bar, before departing company.
An enjoyable day was had by all who attended, however our Worshipful Master, was a little achy after all the hills……I don’t think he realised what he was signing up for!
Friday night saw the first of the Universally Challenged quizzes, organised by UGLE’s University Scheme.
It was a wonderful evening, with over eighty people participating, including Sir David Wootton, the Assistant Grand Master, Dr David Staples, the Grand Secretary and Chief Executive of UGLE and James Hilditch, the Provincial Grand Master of Oxfordshire, to name but a few.
There were nine rounds of five questions, with the subjects of general knowledge, sports, hobbies and games, history, geography, popular culture, music and trivia.
The results were as follows:
45 London Management
43 ULS Staffordshire
43 Hotspur Lodge
43 City of Lancaster Lodge
43 University of Liverpool
43 Province of East Kent
41 Apollo Lodge
40 Hartington Lodge
37 Province of Norfolk
37 Old MancunIans with Mount Sinai
36 Province of Durham
35 Yorkshire, West Riding
34 Southampton
34 Surrey and Sussex
34 Lodge of Chisel
33 Iron Bridge Lodge
31 Leadership team – The A-Team
29 Blockley Lodge
28.5 St David’s Lodge
22 Collegiate Lodge
15 Cumberland Lodge
Hartington Lodge came in at a respectable fourth position with a score of 40 points.
A great evening was had by all who attended and thanks must go to those who organised it. Looking forward to the next event.
James Hilditch – Chairman of the Universities Scheme.Peter Hughes – Quiz Master extraordinaire. A shot of all the participants.The trophy, which will soon be winging its way to London.
Wednesday 7th March, saw Hartington Lodge No 1085 first meeting since March. The Grand Master had suspended all meetings until July, when restrictions were eased. Unfortunately this came, after our July meeting so we were unable to meet in July.
It was a great evening, albeit a little different to usual meetings, as only six members were able to attend and it was all socially distanced!
Still it felt great to be back!
Hartington Lodge’s first socially distanced meeting since March.
On Wednesday 19th February our WM accompanied by his IPM visited Round Table Lodge of Derbyshire 8725 in Dore, to witness the initiation of Bro Haslem into the craft.
A great ceremony with some wonderful differences in the ceremony influenced by Yorkshire West Ridings workings.
A great festive board followed where our WM gave an excellent visitors response to the brethren.